Monday, 30 April 2018

四月总结 (颓废的假期)April Update (Decadent Holiday)




不过为了打发时间和让自己动动身子流汗,连续三个星期六去学校帮忙教新生练鼓,很久没有和队员一起打鼓打到流汗了。还是很开心看到愿意出席训练的新生们,seniorjunior们加油吧!!!⁽⁽٩(˃̶͈̀ ˂̶͈́)۶⁾⁾ 
413日晚上,我以校友的身份参加了慰劳宴,也是第一次参加。出席人数约50位,除了报告总共筹到了多少之外,每一位致词者都非常感谢大家的帮忙,才能够让所有策划的节目都能够顺利进行。感恩我们透过义卖会筹到了9万,加上当天的晚宴,成功筹到100万教育基金!( •̀ ω •́ )y
Image may contain: 15 people, people smiling, indoor
还有食物都好好吃,第一次吃到这些菜色~ ԅ (´ڡ`)
好吃(╹ڡ╹ )



收到大学通知书后就是一阵的忙碌,除了要决定接受这个科系,还要签student agreement,还学费,文件中还需要体验报告。重点是体检是不接受私人诊所的,只好快点去政府诊所安排时间,全部加起来的费用都要三百马币了。〒_




·       验尿

·       验血(不需要绝食,除非是要验血糖那些)

·       X-

·       Mantoux test/Tuberculin skin test

第二次去诊所是在隔天,我和家人一大早就到诊所排队拿号码了。体检一开始就像平常一样量体高、体重和血压。之后,我们等了一小段的时间,另外一位医生助手帮我填好了接下来要做的各种体检的表格。接着下来做的体检是关于验血、验尿、验肺痨(Tuberculosis, TB)。


第三次去诊所是为了观察TB test,护士看了看被注入的口没有任何的肿块,所以就代表一切都没问题啦!



最近大选即将来临,整个国家都闹得沸沸扬扬的。虽然我年龄条件达到了但是来不及注册成为选民,但是还是会持续关注大选的,也会为着国家而继续祷告… …


民民茶室是我们常去的其中一件咖啡店,干盘面是必点之一,因为超大碗的~而且干盘面还有几种比较特别的配料,那就是烧鸡和烧猪肉啦!我个人蛮喜欢这里的花生汤(有热和冰的),一大碗RM2.50,加了温温的牛奶真的很享受呢~而且不会太甜。(❤ ω ❤)
烧肉干盘面 RM5
我们在民丹莪也发现到一间不错的咖啡店——侨兴茶室,大概早上七点就开始营业了,之前妈妈和同事已经吃过一次了~所以这次妈妈带着我来这里吃炒煮。炒煮面里放了很多菜,吃起来清爽,而妈妈推荐我的卤面也不会太咸,给的料并不吝啬,而且还加了我喜欢的空心菜啊(❤ ω ❤)
炒煮面 RM4
卤面 RM5
上个星期和几位后辈们一起去Yi Garden吃个晚餐~我点了Chicken chop,整体还行,不过要是在趁热时端出来就大大加分了很多呢… …()”
Chicken chop RM15.90

かくりよの宿飯 (妖怪旅馆营业中)
されど罪人は竜と踊る (罪人与龙共舞)
这部会打算追是因为主题曲由我常关注的fripSide所唱的~( ̄▽ ̄)”
僕のヒーローアカデミア 第三季 (我的英雄学院)
前几天我去查马来西亚几时会上映今年的柯南剧场版(《零的执行人》)~很意外地发现今年比去年的还要早出呢!我查到的上映日是517~表示好期待!!( •̀ ω •́ )y

还有一部是文豪野犬的剧场版(《文豪野犬DEAD APPLE》),上映日是75日(记下来了!)(●ˇ∀ˇ●)

我妈就很冷静地对我说:有哪个科系是不难读的?( ̄▽ ̄)”
我:既然决定了就这样吧,没有回头路了。( ̄▽ ̄)”

虽然担心五月会很忙加适应,所以至少打提前好几篇的帖子了,不过我还是会继续更新的!之前很无聊地去谷歌找Blogging Challenges寻找一些主题,意外发现蛮多的,可是不知道自己会接受几个挑战来写,还可以期待一下下(或者欢迎给各种意见xD

Stay tuned!


Wednesday, 25 April 2018





 Image may contain: 1 person, standing
Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and outdoor
 Image may contain: 10 people, people smiling, people standing
 Image may contain: 15 people, people smiling, people standing

我们8点多摆好东西,9点半那样就卖完了,比我们预料的早很多!到后半部时前来购买的人突然增加了很多,让我们有些手忙脚乱。( ̄▽ ̄)”
我们收拾场地以及算所得固本后,就呈交上去~表示可以早点回去休息了~ (~ ̄▽ ̄)))* ̄▽ ̄*)o

说到练鼓,我这次就帮忙带队练习,加上后辈们之前去参加训练营所学回来的新招式,就简简单单的一套了。由于校长的要求只是五分钟的迎宾表演,因此我们也不能加入太多的元素。( ̄▽ ̄)”

 Image may contain: indoor
2018年41日 (日)
下午约4点半,我们开始把鼓慢慢地搬到大礼堂里摆好,原本想要练习但是被阻止了( ̄▽ ̄)”只好去换很久没有穿的制服上来在台上等待~并且拍大合照噢噢噢噢噢!
Image may contain: crowd and indoor
这张的ending pose很美啊啊啊!棒棒哒!

之后,我就坐到所安排的位子上休息和享用食物啦~这次我妈妈有买票但是叫我代表她去( ̄▽ ̄)”
Image may contain: 6 people, people standing

Image may contain: one or more people, people on stage and indoor
Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and indoor
Image may contain: 1 person, standing and indoor
Image may contain: one or more people, people on stage, night and indoor
嗯到了个人感想时间~( •̀ ω •́ )












待休息足够后,继续向前吧!(ง๑ •̀_•́)ง  




Image may contain: sky and outdoor

Thursday, 19 April 2018

Panel Discussion (E-Waste)


This is the group oral presentation given in my semester 3, 
so I will use English to update my blog to share my experience about this panel discussion. 

Also, I will insert some general points about what we had presented.

This is my very first experience to have panel discussion assignment with my classmates. Sincerely, I did not clear with how panel discussion was conducted. What I knew was there were moderator and experts sitting next to each other, discussing a topic together in front of the audiences based on their knowledge and researches.

After we formed four groups, each in four, we drew the number to decide the presentation sequence. Luckily, we were the second group, that's mean we can perform this discussion before the Chinese New Year and can enjoy the one week holiday well!

One of my group members had found an interesting topic before. After discussing among lecturer and us, we chose electronic waste (as known as e-waste) as our topic as suggested. We got our core topic already, so we start to think the thesis statement of this topic. Finally, we decided our discussion topic which was should recycling of e-waste be compulsory in the future.
Before we started to search for information, we promised together that we will take this discussion seriously to achieve good marks together.

Yeah, it looked like we were doing something crazy?

Chill and just continue to read. ( ̄▽ ̄)"

Since we set the scope to the recycling of e-waste, we started to find the suitable position of panels related to this topic such as the particular representative from Malaysia, manufacturer and NGO (Non-government Organization). For the position of the host, we fixed it as the representative of WHO (World Health Organization) which related the e-waste to the health. After few changing of positions, there were representatives from Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Samsung electronics manufacturer, sounds interesting right?

When we decided our own position of panels, my group members recommended me to become the host because of having better ability to understand and arrange the flow of the whole thing. I was hesitated at first as I felt anxious that I cannot handle this position. The host was the most important role in conducting the flow of the whole discussion. Since my members believe in me, I accepted this challenge!

After that, we started to find the information from Internet together. We gain so much information and knowledge that we didn’t know about e-waste. For us, this was a very new topic and less discussed in Malaysia. Once we found some websites, articles or news, each of us started to read and take out the important points. That’s didn’t mean we only found what we need; we shared the information together so our points won’t clash.

Do you know that there are collection points within Malaysia for you to throw the broken electronic devices for further recycling?


Let’s have a look about e-waste. Based on the Step, e-waste is a term used to cover all electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) and its parts that have discarded by its owner as waste without the intent of reuse. Basically, there are six categories of e-waste which are the temperature exchange equipment, screens, lamps, small IT, large equipment and small equipment.  
This is an estimated amount of e-waste generated done by United Nation University. As shown, there is an increase of e-waste generated as the population size increases in years. Based on the report done by Natural Resources and Environment Ministry, Malaysians throw away one million tonnes of each year. This is not a good sign!

For my job, I have to understand all the things searched by my members briefly so that I can set some questions to them to bring in the concepts one by one during the presentation. I also draft for the introduction part which includes the definition and why we discussed this topic. Then, I prepared the presentation slides to put in all the information or statistics requested from each of us to give a clearer image for audiences.

We took about one week to finish finding the information and prepare the slide for every one of us. Remember that my classmates and I had a steamboat night in the end of January? On the following day, we woke up earlier to continue our works. Honestly, we didn’t get quite enough sleep time in that week. ( ̄▽ ̄)”

We separated this topic into few parts. After introduction, we discussed the current conditions of the disposal of e-waste in some countries and compared their systems before we told about our own country. Also, we touched about the policy and management from Samsung electronics manufacturer.
In Malaysia, there was a Hazardous waste management program begun in 1989 and e-waste was listed as scheduled waste under the Environmental Quality Regulations 2005. This means that Malaysia do have proper management of e-waste as 138 of e-waste recovery facilities were distributed in whole Malaysia.

Then, we related this topic to how be the process of recycling of e-waste and how disposal of e-waste may cause health problem. 

We also found that the improper way of refining the materials from e-waste can cause health risks which may result from direct contact with the harmful chemicals such as lead, cadmium, chromium, flame retardants, toxic fumes. Moreover, there is a study published in Environmental Research Letter Journal that shows the air pollutant may cause inflammation in lungs and increase in oxidative stress which is also associated with other diseases such as cardiovascular disease, DNA damage and even cancer.

Lastly, we discussed about the challenges that we are facing now and suggested some solutions to emphasize the importance of this topic before we ended it. We prepared the whole thing already and needed to rehearsal at least once before we presented.

Although each authority had put in efforts in improving the recycling system with existing plans, there were many challenges that all authorities have to face with as the statistics shown before doesn’t support this well. There are challenges that affect the effectiveness. For us, we do not have enough awareness and understanding about e-waste, we just simply throw away the things when it is broken or not functioning well, same for electronic devices. For government, the regulations still haven’t completed enough to manage the e-waste. For manufactures, there is always problems occurred for the e-waste supplies and fees to collect, transport, manufacture to reuse or recycle the e-waste.

Therefore, there were many measures that can be the opinions to make the e-waste recycling system compulsory in the future. These includes the organization of awareness and educational campaigns, enhancement of recycling technologies, branding and labelling the devices that can be recycled, improvement of regulations, increase of collection point and so on.

It came to week 12, it was the time for us to present it. After the first group's presentation, the lecturer gave some advices to all of us to make sure we prepared well. The lecturer wanted us to truly understand and remember what we had found for our topics as the audiences may be new to that particular topic. We realized that there were some corrections needed in our slides as we knew that there were some information that are not related presented.

On that day, we stayed at university until 8 p.m. to add or delete some information in the slide and also our own drafts. The guard came and chased us away as we didn’t tell her earlier to book the time to stay late. We reached hostel at about 8.30 p.m. and we continue to do the work after eating some food.

On the next day morning, we reached the university at about 7 a.m. to rehearsal the whole discussion before the lecture started. I was very nervous as I knew I do not speak English as fluent as my classmates (they are native speaker but we aren’t). We comforted each other as we just do our parts well and receive the result together as we are one now. I felt touched.

I took a deep breath before I started the discussion and tried my best to express the words as set in the draft and then speak it loudly and slowly. Each of us just focused on their parts to give the correct information to audiences. Our whole discussion took about almost one hour because we shared the details of each part (supposed what the rules set is just around 30 minutes). During the Question and Answer session, we were ready for the lecturer and audiences asking the questions.
However, sometimes we didn’t know that we may have already paid the extra fee which is called Advanced Recycling Fee (ARF) when we purchase an electronic device. ARF is charged to cover the costs for collection, transportation and recycling. For what I know, California and Switzerland have practised this measure for years but Malaysia hasn’t yet.

Every group has done the job well and we gained new knowledge from each presentation. The other topics that my classmates done were about the water system in Malaysia, the suitability of video games for children and teenagers as well as the haze problem in Malaysia.

After knowing our marks, we were very satisfied with the marks given. Suddenly I remembered that we haven't asked for the comments from lecturer due to the time constricted on that day. Our lecturer gave comments that the information we searched were very clear, but our language skills still need improvements and the way we presented can be done in a more interesting way so that the audience would feel bored easily.

We realized that we were too serious at that time until we did not relax ourselves and enjoyed the whole discussion well. (We all wore formal that day.)In addition, there should be more questions asked by me to link to the next point, not letting the each panel continue to present their points continuously.

For me, it is a breakthrough to me that I took the challenge to be a host in this panel discussion because of their trusts on me. I also thanked to my group members for working together to achieve this marks. Also, the comments can be our guidance for the next time.

We are happy because our teamwork and efforts paid off! \(^o^)/

To conclude our discussion, we agreed that the recycling of e-wastes should be compulsory in the future. To make this success, the efforts from every field of experts as well as every one of us are necessary. Last but not least, Sen Heng Sdn. Bhd. had organized the e-waste campaign to recycle the e-waste instead of just throwing away. Kindly have a look to the image below!

Thanks for browsing and hope you guys have a better knowing about the e-waste!

(This is the first blog post that the number of English words exceeds 1500, hope this post won't too clumsy !) (⊙o⊙)

 By the way, I am not sure which post will be the next, maybe the alumni dinner or the sharing of my foundation life experience or short trips. 

Feel free to leave some comment!

Stay tune!( •̀ ω •́ )y